Thursday, September 13, 2012

Oh, I can post again!

Blogger appears to be finished with its maintenance and now I can post again. Perhaps we won't lose any more comments, either?

This afternoon, I'm going out to L's farm again. She has offered to make up a bucket of tomato juice for me if I feel up to boiling it down to sauce and jarring it. Yes! This I can do. I told her that my pressure canner can handle up to 18 pints of sauce at a time, so we'll see how much she gives me. I'm not remotely at the amount of tomato sauce that I'd like to have put up - 3 or 4 bushels out of a 16-bushel goal. But if anyone has noticed my little ticker on the bottom right of the page, you'll see that my time is getting tight. The closer I get to Baby, the less able I am to do ... well, much of anything.

Let's see if this works and I can post before I write anything else!
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You know you have something to say. And I want to hear it. I really do.

Really. I wouldn't be blogging if I didn't love hearing what my readers have to say!